We create a learning environment that develops professionals, builds social capital and supports the development of the organisation
Increase the competences and master skills
Expert ONLINE training programs for you and your team

Select a service:

Select a service:

We will teach you to consciously work with others by listening, building a partner relationship and consciously implementing changes.

School of Facilitators

You will learn to activate the potential of individuals and the group as a whole through the adequate use of a variety of facilitation techniques.

Learning & Development Management

You will learn to diagnose your organization’s development needs and build your position as an L&D specialist.

Stress. Emotions. Resilience.

This video course will help you understand the mechanism of stress. You will learn the meaning and role of emotions. You will receive practical tips on how to effectively reduce stress and strengthen mental resilience.

Transformation of organisational culture

We diagnose organizational culture, define directions for change and design actions that enable our clients to consciously shape it according to their needs and expectations.


We help managers overcome the challenges they face by developing their competences. We empower them with the skills needed to build effective teams that foster partner relationships.


We offer single facilitated sessions for groups and teams, as well as complex facilitation processes consisting of multiple sessions. We help managers, project leaders, scrum masters and meeting facilitators improve their skills and become more effective at leading their teams.

Online courses

We provide ready-made courses and training on dedicated platforms. We support leaders and their teams in developing mental resilience, effective thinking and team management.

Zespół trenerów Wszechnicy UJ przy pracy


We consult on the strategic processes, shape the organisational culture, and train the managerial staff and internal training teams.

We focus on knowledge, understanding, awareness and development.

We build strategies encouraging employees to consciously take up professional roles.

kształt elipsy granatowy - lewy góra
Zespół tańczących osób

think tank

We are constantly looking for new directions of development.

Together with international partners, we develop innovative learning opportunities. We conduct research and development projects in the action research paradigm and support social organisations and groups with difficult access to modern educational solutions.


Our clients’ organizations are the best confirmation of our experience.

Ta strona korzysta z ciasteczek aby świadczyć usługi na najwyższym poziomie. Dalsze korzystanie ze strony oznacza, że zgadzasz się na ich użycie.    Polityka prywatności   


Projektujemy i realizujemy różnorodne sesje i warsztaty facylitowane dopasowane do potrzeb organizacji: 

  • sesje strategiczne,
  • sesje kreatywne,
  • sesje wymiany wiedzy i doświadczeń, 

Realizujemy szkolenia dla określonych przez organizację grup pracowników, głownie dla:

  • trenerów zainteresowanych poszerzeniem swoich kompetencji i rozwojem w roli wewnętrznych facylitatorów,
  • menedżerów chcących korzystać z umiejętności facylitacyjnych podczas prowadzenia spotkań ze swoimi zespołami,
  • koordynatorów projektów zainteresowanych usprawnieniem zespołowego planowania i podziału zadań podczas wspólnych spotkań,
  • scrum masterów, którzy szukają sposobów na zwiększenie zaangażowania członków zespołów w realizację zadań.
Pracujemy zarówno stacjonarnie, jak i online.