
Our focus

We create a learning environment that develops professionals, builds social capital and supports the development of the organisation by:

implementation of development programs with proven effectiveness (ROI) in cooperation with a network of professionals.

conducting consulting and research and development projects in the action research paradigm.

supporting the development of communities that promote ethical and civic attitudes and implement the values ​​promoted by the Jagiellonian University in practice.

Zespół Remote Learning


Wszechnica UJ is a partner for organisations. We help to build a healthy and supportive work environment, where effectiveness results from the pursuit of shared goals, well-designed processes, and highly developed competences.

From the beginning we have trained professionals responsible for the development of others: trainers, coaches, facilitators, consultants, managers, and HR Business Partners. We support them in the conscious and effective taking on of their professional roles. Our schools offer holistic programmes based on carefully designed competence profiles that help in the achievement of a clear understanding of your role by offering a professional set of tools.

Our roots reach back to 2005, when we were set up as a non-faculty unit of the Jagiellonian University, inspired by the “university extensions” formula popular in the US and the EU. Since then we have changed. We have acquired consultants who work for us on exclusive contracts and develop our method of work with us, we have transformed into an independent company, established cooperation with partners from all over the world, and begun to run projects for foreign clients. 

We care for fact-based knowledge, deeper reflection, and confrontation of our opinions with other views and the results of research.


The mission of Wszechnica UJ is to build long term strategies in which motivated employees consciously take up professional roles, and have a sense of synergy and influence.

kształt elipsy granatowy - lewy góra


We create a learning environment that develops professionals, builds social capital and supports the organisation. We take into account the socio-economic environment and the climate crisis.


We respond to real needs and support conscious decision-making.


We strive for efficiency by focusing on what is most important.


We talk openly, set boundaries, look for balance and reciprocity.


We care about quality, we make commitments responsibly.


We see potential in people and support their development.

Our Team


Ta strona korzysta z ciasteczek aby świadczyć usługi na najwyższym poziomie. Dalsze korzystanie ze strony oznacza, że zgadzasz się na ich użycie.    Polityka prywatności   


Projektujemy i realizujemy różnorodne sesje i warsztaty facylitowane dopasowane do potrzeb organizacji: 

  • sesje strategiczne,
  • sesje kreatywne,
  • sesje wymiany wiedzy i doświadczeń, 

Realizujemy szkolenia dla określonych przez organizację grup pracowników, głownie dla:

  • trenerów zainteresowanych poszerzeniem swoich kompetencji i rozwojem w roli wewnętrznych facylitatorów,
  • menedżerów chcących korzystać z umiejętności facylitacyjnych podczas prowadzenia spotkań ze swoimi zespołami,
  • koordynatorów projektów zainteresowanych usprawnieniem zespołowego planowania i podziału zadań podczas wspólnych spotkań,
  • scrum masterów, którzy szukają sposobów na zwiększenie zaangażowania członków zespołów w realizację zadań.
Pracujemy zarówno stacjonarnie, jak i online.